Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

120203 Ryeowook 'sj' twitter update^^

Super Junior 'Ryeowook' say Happy Birthday to KyuHyun via Twitter?? and photo?what Wook mean by that pic? 
Wook is talking about 해품달 (Moon that Embraces the Sun) ! only he changed moon to himself and sun to kyu??

@ryeong9 규품력 사진 공개요 ~~>< ㅋㅋ 오늘 슈퍼쇼 공연도 화이팅 하자!!! ~~ 규 생일 축하해

translate :
Gyupumryeok Photo gonggaeyo ~ ~> <ㅋ ㅋ fighting performances today let's Super Show! ~ ~ Happy birthday to the rules

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