Senin, 30 Mei 2011

A Short Journey

...Fun fiction pertama gw ini buat karena terinspirasi dari music videonya Justin bieber yang judulnya U Smile..jadi,maklum kalo jelek and ancur banget,,ok

Cast    : Kim Ryeo Wook/Wooky, Park Hye Yoo, Super Junior member's

Genre : Romantic

“Wahh..akhirnya kita  akan segera tiba di Jakarta.Ahh..aku tak sabar utuk bertemu dengan jagy ku,hyung..” kata Wooky tak sabar
“ya..aku tahu kau pasti sangat merindukannya bukan?” tanya Yessung
“tentu saja hyung,sudah lama kita tak saling bertemu.sebulan,dua bulan,lima bulan??aishh..” jawab Wooky
Setibanya Wooky dan para member Super Junior lainnya di Bandara Halim,Wooky segera mengirimkan sms kepada Hye Yoo,Yeojachingunya.
..Hai jagyyyyy,aku sudah tiba di Jakarta,kau merindukanku bukan??
Beberapa menit kemudian
..Opaa-ah,kau sudah tiba di Jakarta?kapan,kau dimana sekarang?
..aku di studio Sabee untuk latihan,temui aku jagy,bogoshipoyo..
..ok,aku akan menemuimu sepulang kampus.nado bogoshipo..
Sepulang dari kampus Hye Yoo langsung keluar kelas untuk menuju dimana Wooky berada.
“Hye Yoo,tunggu kau mau kemana?terburu-buru sekali..?”tanya Yoona
“aku ingin pergi ke sekitaran daerah Menteng,ada seseorang yang ingin ku temui..”jawab Hye yoo
“ah,kebetulan sekali kami juga ingin kesana.bagaimana kalau kita jalan bersama ke sana?kau mau ya?pinta so young
Dengan hati was-was Hye Yoo mengiyakan ajakan mereka.
Setibanya di Studio Sabee..
“arrrghhhh..bukankah itu Ryeo Wook?salah satu member Super Junior..?teriak Rosa
“mana?ah! benar..ayo kita berfoto bersamanya..”ajak Yoona
Seketika wajah Ryeo Wook yang tadinya sumringah melihat jagynya datang,berubah terkejut karena melihat beberapa cewek yang bersama Hye Yoo berjalan kearahnya.
“Wooky oppa,maukah kau berfoto bersama kami..?”pinta Rosa
Ryeo Wook yang masih kaget,langsung menuruti apa mau gadis gadis itu
“Hye Yoo-ah,tolong fotokan kami ya..”pinta So Young
Beberapa menit berlalu dan akhirnya So Young,Rosa dan Yoona berpamitan pada Ryeo Wook,tanpa para gadis itu ketahui kalau Ryeo Wook dan Hye Yoo adalah sepasang kekasih yang memang sengaja ingin bertemu.
“terima kasih Wooky oppa..”kata Yoona sambil menggandeng tangan Hye Yoo
“ya,sampai jumpa..”jawab Wooky
Setelah Ryeo Wook menunggu lama dengan keyakinan kalau Hye Yoo pasti akan segera menemuinya setelah berpisah dengan kawan-kawannya.Dan akhirnya 15 menit kemudian  Hye Yoo berlari lari kecil menghampiri Ryeo Wook yang sedang berdiri,tentu saja disambut dengan senyuman manis Ryeo Wook.
“maaf membuatmu menunggu lama oppa,aku tak ingin mereka tahu..”kata Hye Yoo sambil memeluk Ryeo Wook
“tak apa jagy..ukh,aku sangat merindukanmu..”jawab Wooky membalas pelukan Hye Yoo dengan lembut
“ayo masuk ke dalam,aku sudah membuatkanmu makan siang..”ajak Wooky
“benarkah?ah,kebetulan aku lapar sekali..gomawo oppa..”puji Hye Yoo
Selesai makan bersama,Hye Yoo memutuskan untuk menemani Wooky berlatih sambil memainkan pianonya.
“kau mau me request  lagu apa Jagy..?tanya Wooky
“hmmmm..bagaimana kalau A Shourt  Journey?sepertinya bagus kalau di mainkan dengan piano..”pinta Hye Yoo
“baiklah..lagu ini untuk jagy ku,Park Hye Yoo..!”kata Wooky
Saat mereka asyik bermain piano bersama,tiba-tiba Lee Tuk dan Shindong datang,mereka berkeliling sambil mencari Wooky yang sedari tadi tak terlihat.
“aissshh dongsaeng,ke mana saja kau?sedari tadi kami mencarimu..”kata Lee teuk sambil berteriak
“wooo..dia jagy mu yang sering kau ceritakan..?tanya Shindong yang langsung menarik tangan Hye Yoo
“ahhh,jangan pegang dia hyung,kalian sedang apa disini?tak lihatkah aku sedang bersama jagy ku..?protes Wooky sambil menangkis tangan hyungnya
“annyong haseo Teuky oppa,Shindong oppa.chonun Park Hye Yoo imnida..”sapa Hye Yoo sambil membungkuk
“annyong haseo,kau manis sekali,terima kasih telah membuat Wooky kami bahagia..”puji Lee teuk
“terima kasih oppa...”jawab Hye Yoo
“kaja Wooky-ah kita harus latihan..”ajak san leader
“sebentar lagi hyung,aku sedang menyanyikannya sebuah lagu..”protes Wokky
“tidak apa apa oppa,kau harus latihan,aku akan menemanimu..”kata Hye Yoo
“jinja?hah..gomawo..”Wooky sumringah
“kajja...”ajak Shindong sambil menggandeng tangan Hye Yoo
“sudah kubilang hyung,janagn sentuh dia..”protes Wooky lagi
“biarlah saeng..”cegah Lee teuk
Di dalam ruang latihan sudah ada member Super Junior lainnya yang bersiap untuk latihan.melihat lee teuk.Shindong dan Wooky datang bersama seorang gadis,Yessung dan Kyu hyun menghampiri mereka
“kau pasti jagynya Wooky.aku benar..? tanya Yessung pada Hye Yoo
“inikah dia..?? tanya kyu hyun tak mau kalah
“lihat kulit wajahnya?coklat sekali,ck baby face..”puji Dong Hae sambil reflek memeluk
“Dong hae,hyung-ah jangan seperti itu nanti dia canggung..”sergah Wooky
“ahh Wooky dia pasti lebih menyukai aku dibanding kau..”ledek Siwon
“aishh,matanya hidup sekali,lihat mataku,ah malunya aku..”kat Hee chul
“yakk hyung orang Indonesia memang seperti itu,benarkan Hye Yoo? Tanya Eun Hyuk
“hmm..matamu memang bagus..”puji Eun hyuk sambil menatap Hye Yoo
“sudahlah hyung,kapan kita mulai latihan?aku ingin menghabiskan waktu bersama jagy ku lagi..”pinta Wooky
“kau seperti anak kecil saja,hari ini dia milik kami..” goda Dong Hae
“benar kata  Dong Hae,hari ini dia mau aku ajak bermain..ayo kita foto aegyo.kit kan sama sama imut..”ajak Sung min
“ahh aku ikut,hana,dul,set..klik..”kat Lee Teuk
“aniyoooo...”protes Wooky tak tahan
Setelah beberapa jam menemani Ryeo wook dan kawan kawan latihan,Hye Yoo yang kelelahan tertidur di ruang tengah,yang tak sengaja Si won lewat melihat Hye Yoo yang tertidur pulas.
“ah..dia pendiam sekali,sopan dan bisakah dia membahagiakan Wooky?tanya Siwon dalam hati
“hyung..apa yang kau lakukan disini?aku sudah memasak untukmu,makanlah bersama para hyung..”kata Wooky sambil berteriak
Tanpa sadar teriakan Wooky membuat Hye yoo terbangun
“ahh,jagya kau terbangun karena teriakan ku ya..?tanya Hye yoo
“tidak oppa,ah jam berapa ini aku harus pulang..?kata Hye Yoo
“kau akan melihat show kami besok..??tanya Si won pada Hye yoo
“tentu saja..bagaimanapun juga aku adalah E.L.F..”jawab Hye Yoo
“benarkah?kau mau menemaniku lagi jagy...? tanya Wooky sambil menggenggam tangan jagynya
“yup,oppa..fighting!!..”seru Hye Yoo
“saranghae jagy..gomawo..”peluk Wooky
@ Tenis Indor Senayan
Hye Yoo akhirnya menemani kekasihnya yang sedang menunjukan performnya dari bangku para penonton,dan sesekali Wooky melihat ke arah Hye Yoo
Seusai sho.Hye Yoo menghampiri Wooky yang sedang kelelahan.
“minumlah oppa,btw kau terlihat hebat tadi..”puji Hye yoo sambil menyodorkan minuman
“thanks jagy..itu juga kan berkat adanya kau didekatku..”kata Wooky
Esok hari @Bandara Halim Perdana kusuma
Rye wook dan Hye yoo akhirnya berpamitan,setelah berpamitan terlebih dahulu pada member Super Junior lainnya,karena hari ini mereka akan melajutkan super show mereka di Filiphina
“maafkan aku jagy tida bisa menemanimu di Jakarta lebih lama...”keluh Wooky
“jangan sedih oppa,bukankah kita masih bisa chat setiap waktu..”kata Hye yoo
“ya,aku akan segera kembali setelah kami menyelesaikan sushow ,tunggu aku.ok..? tanya Wooky
“baiklah..jaga kesehatanmu..” jawab Hye yoo
“peluk aku jagy..kumohon” pinta Wooky
Hye yoo memenuhi permintaan Ryeo wook dan pelukan mereka terlepas setelah panggilan terbang menuju Manila terdengar
“ah,kau harus pergi oppa..” tegur Hye yoo
“ok.saranghae jagy..jeongmal saranghae..”bisik Wooky
“nado saranghae oppa....”bisik Hye yoo juga

여행 (A Short Journey) by : Super Junior


사랑했던 맘이, 바라봤던 눈이 아직도 여기에

* Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh 잠시만 Goodbye 안녕이란 말은 잠시 접어둘게
문을 열고서 걸음 내밀면 끝으로 전해지는 너의 숨결

가운 바람 속에 따뜻한 너의 손길이 한동안 남아 있는
온통 그대 흔적이 눈물이 되어 위에 머무는
동안 여행을 떠나 가슴 아픈 상처 닦아 내고서 시간 흘러 그댈 만나면 보고 싶었다 네게 말해줄게

*Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh 잠시만 Goodbye 안녕이란 말은 잠시 접어둘게
문을 열고서 걸음 내밀면 끝으로 전해지는 너의 숨결

그렇게 해가 지고 달이 뜨는 오늘 역시 변함이 없는데
자꾸만 맘은 이렇게 빠르게 달라지는지
파란 하늘 닮은 그대의 모습은 어느 샌가 비를 내리고
빗속에 몸이 젖으면 흐르는 눈물 따윈 감춰둘게 yeah~

* Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh 잠시만 Goodbye 안녕이란 말은 잠시 접어둘게
문을 열고서 걸음 내밀면 끝으로 전해지는 너의 숨결

지난 시간 너무 어리석었던 멋대로였던 그런 모습 모두 감싸줬던 네가 너무 소중한

* Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh 잠시만 Goodbye 안녕이란 말은 잠시 접어둘게
문을 열고서 걸음 내밀면 끝으로 전해지는 너의 숨결

*Oh Baby say Goodbye Oh 잠시만 Goodbye 내가 있던 자리로 돌아갈게
문을 열고서 걸음 내밀어 보고 싶던 앞에 있도록

사랑했던 맘이, 바라봤던 눈이기다릴게



Neol saranghaetdeon ee nae mami, neol barabwatdeon nae du nuni ajikdo yeogie…

Oh baby say goodbye oh jamsiman goodbye annyeongiran mareun jamsi jeobeodulke
Jeo muneul yeolgoseo han georeum naemilmyeon kko kkeuteuro jeonhaejineun neoui sumgyeol

Chagaun geu baram soge ddaddeuthan neoui son-gili handongan nama itneungeol
Ontong geudae heunjeoki nunmuli dwe-eo nae du bbyam wi-e meomuneun geol
Jamsi dongan yeohaengeul ddeona gaseum apeun sangchyeo dakka naegoseo sigan heulleo geudael mannamyeon bogo shipeotdeon nege malhaejulke

Oh baby say goodbye oh jamsiman goodbye annyeongiran mareun jamsi jeobeodulke
Jeo muneul yeolgoseo han georeum naemilmyeon kko kkeuteuro jeonhaejineun neoui sumgyeol

Keureohke ddo haega jigo dari ddeuneun yeoksi byeonhami eobneunde
Oh, wae jakkuman nae mameun ireohke bbareuke dallajineunji
Paran haneul dalmeun geudaeui moseubeun eoneu saen-ga bireul naerigo
Ee bitsoke momi jeojeumyeon heureuneun nunmul ddawin kamchwodulge yeah~

Oh baby say goodbye oh jamsiman goodbye annyeongiran mareun jamsi jeobeodulke
Jeo muneul yeolgoseo han georeum naemilmyeon kko kkeuteuro jeonhaejineun neoui sumgyeol

Jinan sigan neomu eoriseokeotdeon nae meotdaeroyeotdeon geureon nae moseub modu kamssajwotdeon nega neomu sojunghan geol

Oh baby say goodbye oh jamsiman goodbye annyeongiran mareun jamsi jeobeodulke
Jeo muneul yeolgoseo han georeum naemilmyeon kko kkeuteuro jeonhaejineun neoui sumgyeol

Oh baby say goodbye oh jamsiman goodbye naega itdeon geu jariro dolagalge
Jeo muneul yeolgoseo han georeum naemileo bogo shipdeon ne ape seol su itdorok

Neol saranghaetdeon ee nae mami, neol barabwatdeon nae du nuni…kidarilge


My heart that loved you, my eyes that looked you are still here.

Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will try to put it aside for a while.

If I open the door and step a step into, finally, it will convey your breath to my nose.

I can feel your warm hands for a while in the cold wind.

All traces of your tears stay on my cheeks.

It’s a short journey, the painful wounds in my heart will be cleaned by the time then when I meet you, I will tell you that I miss you.

Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will try to put it aside for a while.

If I open the door and step a step into, finally, it will convey your breath to my nose.

The sun and the moon today are still be that way, also unchanged .

Oh, Why my heart changes so quickly again.

You look like a blue sky when the rain falls.

Being wet in the rain, I will try to hide the falling tears yeah~

Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will try to put it aside for a while.

If I open the door and step a step into, finally, it will convey your breath to my nose.

Everything I wanted to do in the past was so stupid, you are so precious.

Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will try to put it aside for a while.

If I open the door and step a step into, finally, it will convey your breath to my nose.

Oh baby say goodbye, Oh it’s just good bye for a while. “Say goodbye” I will go back the place I’ve been.

That when I open the door and step a step into, I want to be stand in front of you .

My heart that loved you, my eyes that looked at you..will wait for you.


Translation by: jenne90 @

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Good Person by Super Junior

[Hangul] Super Junior – 사람 (Good Person)

[ ] 오늘은 무슨 일인 거니? 울었던 얼굴 같은걸
그가 너의 마음을 아프게 했니? 나에겐 세상 소중한 너인데
] 자판기 커피를 내밀어 속에 감춰온 맘을 담아
고마워오빤 너무 좋은 사람이야 한마디에 웃을
[ ] 혹시 기억하고 있을까? 친구 학교 앞에 놀러 왔던
우리들 연인 같다 장난쳤을 웃었고 지새웠지
[ ] 니가 웃으면 나도 좋아 장난이라 해도
기다렸던 , 보고 싶던 내겐 벅찬 행복 가득한데
은혁] 나는 혼자여도 괜찮아 수만 있다면
너의 뒤에서, 바라보는 그게 내가 가진 몫인 것만 같아

] 친구들 지겹다 말하지 같은 노랠 부르는 나에게
하지만 그게 바로 마음인걸 그대 곳만 보네요
] 혹시 그날 맘을 알까? 우리를 아는 친구 모두 모인
취한 데리러 그를 내게 인사시켰던 나의 생일
[ ] 니가 좋으면 나도 좋아 옆에 그를 보며
나완 너무 다른, 초라해지는 그에게 부탁한다는 밖에
[ ] 울리는 사람과, 위로 밖에 못하는
[려욱] 니가 웃으면 나도 좋아 장난이라 해도
기다렸던 , 보고 싶던 내겐 벅찬 행복 가득한데
규현] 나는 혼자여도 괜찮아 수만 있다면
너의 뒤에서, 바라보는 그게 내가 가진 몫인 것만 같아

[Romanization] Super Junior – Joheun Saram ( Good Person )

[KYUHYUN] Oneureun mooseun irin guhni? Wooruhdduh uhlgool gateunguhl
Geuga nuhui maeumeul apeunge haenni? Naegen sesang jel sojoonghan nuhinde
[RYEOWOOK] Japangi kuhpireul naemiruh geu soge gamchwuhon nae mameul dama
Gomawuh…oppan nuhmoo joheun saramiya geu hanmadi eh nan wooseul poon
[YESUNG] Hokshi nuhn giuhkhago isseulgga? Nae chingoo hakkyo ape nolluh wadduhn nal
Woorideul yuhnin gatda jangnanchyuhsseul ddae nuhn woossuhggo nan bam jisaewuhjji
[HEENIM] Niga wooseumyuhn nado joha nuhn jangnanira haedo
Nuhl gidaryuhdduhn nal, nuhl bogo shipduhn bam naegen buhkchan haengbok gadeukhande
[EUNHYUK] Naneun honjayuhdo gwaenchanha nuhl bol sooman iddamyuhn
Neul nuhui dwiesuh, neul nuhl baraboneun geuge naega gajin mogshin guhtman gata
[SUNGMIN] Chingoodeul jigyupda marhaji neul gateun norael booreuneun naege
Hajiman geuge baro nae maeuminguhl geudae muhn gotman boneyo…
[DONGHAE] Hokshi nuhn geunal nae mameul alkka? Woorireul aneun chingoo modoo moin bam
Sool chwihan nuhl deriruh on geureul naege insashikyuhdduhn naui saengil nal
[LEETEUK] Niga joheumyuhn nado joha ni ape geureul bomyuh
Nawan nuhmoo dareun, nan chorahaejineun geu ege nuhl bootakhandaneun mal bakke
[YESUNG] Nuhl woollineun saramgwa, wiro bakke mothaneun na
[RYEOWOOK] Niga wooseumyuhn nado joha nuhn jangnanira haedo
Nuhl gidaryuhdduhn nal, nuhl bogo shipduhn bam naegen buhkchan haengbok gadeukhande
HYUN] Naneun honjayuhdo gwaenchanha nuhl bol sooman iddamyuhn nan
Neul nuhui dwiesuh, neul nuhl baraboneun geuge naega gajin mogshin guhtman gata


[English] Super Junior – Good Person

[Kyuhyun] What happened today? It seems like you were crying
Did he hurt your heart? You are the most precious person to me in the world
[Ryeowook] The vending machine coffee I hold out to you is filled with the feelings I’ve been hiding
“Thanks… Oppa is such a good person” at those words I only smile
[Yesung] Do you remember? Me, who was hanging out in front of my friend’s school
When we pretended like we were a couple, you laughed and I stayed up all night
[Heechul] When you laugh I feel good too, even when you say it’s just pretend
You bring happiness to the days when I wait for you, the nights when I miss you
[Eunhyuk] Even when I’m alone it’s okay if I can just see you
I’m always behind you, I’m always looking out for you, but it seems like I have to share
[Sungmin] My friends are tiresomely telling me, me who’s always singing songs like this
But I know these are just my feelings, I can tell you’re in a different place…
[Donghae] Do you understand what I felt on that day? On the night we gathered at a mutual friend’s
On my birthday, when you introduced me to the drunk guy who had brought you
[Leeteuk] If you’re good then I’m good too but when I look at the guy who’s standing next to you
He’s too different from me, all I can do is say “Nice to meet you” to this shabby looking person
[Yesung] The difference between me and the person who makes you cry is that all I can do is comfort you
[Ryeowook] When you laugh I feel good too, even when you say it’s just pretend
You bring happiness to the days when I wait for you, the nights when I miss you
[Kyuhyun] Even when I’m alone it’s okay if I can just see you
I’m always behind you, I’m always looking out for you, but it seems like I have to share
source : naver,
romanization credit : GAIA @
english trans by
jubee @